I found out Saturday that my dad and his…

I found out Saturday that my dad and his family are okay.  I cannot even begin to explain how wonderful that feels to know.  I felt the proverbial weight lifting off my shoulders.  His house is gone and he’s living in his car but his life saved.

I found out Sunday morning that one of my mother’s sisters is gone.  Her house fell on her and four other people and they all perished.

I’m still in a daze.  This feels like a horrible dream that I just can’t wake up from.  The thing is, everyone around me understands what I’m going through because we’ve all lost someone.  It’s hard to comfort another when you yourself are hurting.  Sunday morning my pastor said, “We’ve all lost someone.  My sincere condolences to all of you.”

I feel like I’ll never be happy again.  I’ve lost so many dreams.  But I still have a few prayers left.  One is for God to protect not only the survivors, but those who are in Haiti to lend a hand in this devastating crisis.