Alert: Being Plump = Looking Younger

Would you believe what I just read?  Carrying around a little extra weight will make you look younger.  But I thought fat made people look old?  I am tired of all these different messages.  I mean, alright already.  I’ve read everything from: lose weight to improve your sex life.  Lose weight to live longer.  LOSE WEIGHT TO LOOK YOUNGER!  But now carry around a little extra weight and look younger?  I mean come on!

Sometimes I think we should just accept our bodies as they are and not worry about what anyone else thinks.  The problem with that is I can’t accept my body how it is.  It’s not because of what others think.  It’s because of what I think.  I wasn’t happy when I weighed 225 lbs.  I wasn’t happy when I weighed 165 lbs.  I wasn’t satisfied at 142 lbs.  I won’t be satisfied until I have washboard abs, no flab and thighs that don’t rub together when I walk.

I’ve never liked my big stomach, my big cheeks, my big thighs or my big feet.  I WANNA BE SKINNY!  It’s not to increase my life on earth.  It is not for health issues.  Losing weight will make me pretty.  It will give me confidence and it will make more appealing to the opposite sex.  Losing weight will make my joy complete.  Dysfunctional.  I know.  But I bet I’m not alone.  What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight?

 Today I’m saying goodbye to cereal.  Yes.  Cereal.  My favorite cereal is flavored with peanut butter and chocolate. 

Why I love chocolate and peanut butter cereal:  I love peanut butter by itself.  I love chocolate by itself.  Peanut butter and chocolate together make a delicious bliss.