
I’m enjoying this goodbye tour but I know it will soon come to an end.  I’m worried about how will deal with my emotions once I go on my weight loss journey.  The first lesson I learned about weight loss is that the battle starts in the mind.  Everyone who is combating with weight has an emotional reason for it.

Some people have abandonment issues; some have had traumatic experiences such as rape or incest.  My issue was not feeling good enough to receive the good things of life.  It’s because I was able to let go of those thoughts that I found weight loss too be a breeze.  A breeze, at least, at first.

But since I had developed emotional eating even after losing a bunch weight, who is to say something else won’t develop?

Right now I feel fine.  I feel no sadness.  I am excited to get back to a healthy routine and connect with others who are on the journey as well.  I just need to tell myself that I’ve got this and I can do this and I have support that I didn’t have before.

 One of my favorite things to eat is a good burger.  I’m not usually too crazy about popular fast food burgers.  I find the best burgers come from steakhouses.  But there’s a fast food restaurant that sells chili burgers.  I love them.  I’m accompanying it with a slice of chocolate cake.

Why I love burgers:  The meat, the tomatoes, the sauce all make for a delicious mélange.

Why I love chocolate cake:  Do I really need to address that?