Biggest Loser 

Last night I caught the last hour of The Biggest Loser.  I used to watch that show all the time.  I even imagined myself as a contestant.  I would love to get a kickass experience like that.  Let me tell you something though, I’d be one of those whiny people.  I’d cry all the time.  I’m a big baby.  I know.

It’s a great show to watch.  It encourages me to keep going.  I already love exercise.  I don’t need any motivation.  But when I think about how hard they have to work out, it pushes me to work out harder.

Even though it was my first time watching this season, I was rooting for the twins.  I was sad to see James go.  Ever notice how, on Biggest Loser, those big guys have hot wives?  How does that happen?  Do big women get hot men, too?

Anyway, I don’t think I’ll be going to the Biggest Loser Ranch any time soon.  But if I was, I’d want Bob as my trainer.  He’s absolutely delicious!

Today I’m saying goodbye to eggs and whole milk.  You might wonder what’s wrong with eggs.  That’s because you don’t know my favorite way to eat them.  For me, eggs are best when fried in butter with bacon-flavored luncheon meat, cheese and chopped onions, and flavored with basil and a little bit of curry powder.  There was a time when I never ate eggs without the addition of cheese and some kind of meat whether bacon, sausage, hot dog and now my favorite, bacon-flavored luncheon meat.

Why I love eggs that way:  I love color in my food.  My eggs are white (from the albumen, the white part of the eggs) yellow (from the yolk and cheese) red (from the meat) caramel (from the onions) and green (from the basil.

Why I love whole milk:  It’s creamy.  It’s delicious.  And goes with just about any meal.