
I’ve fallen off the wagon.  In 2004 I lost 63 lbs.  I went from weighing 205 to 142 lbs.  My highest weight was actually 225 lbs.  But I had lost 20 lbs before officially deciding to lose weight.  How’d I lose all that weight, you ask?  Well to be honest, it was easier than I’d thought.  I read a lot of magazines.  I tried a lot of new healthy foods.  I discovered I loved to exercise.  It was fun.  It was exciting.  The compliments from people were pretty ego boosting.  It was a blast.  That is until I woke up one day and suddenly had emotional problems.  See, I had worked through the mental aspect of weight loss.  That’s how I was able to lose 83 lbs in the first place.  Then suddenly I was hit with an urge I had never had before: the need to comfort myself with food.  I had never been an emotional eater.  Actually even when I weighed 225 lbs and would feel sad or depressed about something, the last thing I wanted to do was eat.

So how is it after joyfully and easily losing 83 lbs, I was suddenly eating my emotions?  I mean, I had battled weight and won dammit!  I can’t now be eating my emotions.

Going from 142 lbs to my current 180 lbs did not happen overnight.  I fought my way up to this weight.  I’d gain, and then go on an impossible, inhumane diet, exercise four times a day only to keep gaining.  So what happened to me?  Did I just one day decide to hell with it?  Well, that was a cycle in itself.  My internal dialogue went something like this:

            It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

            I want an hour glass figure

            The average American woman is a size 14 and I’m a size…oh…medium.

            I want to be skinny.

            Lots of women are not a size 2 yet are beautiful, confident and successful.

            I WANNA BE PRETTY!!!

So here I am again.  On this journey again.  This time my goal is to weigh 140 lbs.  I plan on doing some old exercises, eat some old healthy favorites as well as doing exercises and eating healthy foods not yet tried.

My name is Rhode-Elise St. Jacques.  And my resolution for this 2010 is the same as it was in 2004: to lose weight.

Won’t you join me?